Sunday, August 2, 2015

Module 7 Assignment 2

Module 7 Assignment 2

As a child growing up I always talked too much. On all my report cards in elementary school, in the comment section, it stated that I talked too much in class. Now as a mature adult, the table has turned. I listen to what other people have to say and then I form my opinion and then start talking. The only people that I just continuously talk to are my best friends.
Two communication skills that are important to embody when leading a policy change are talking and active listening. When talking one must know as much as possible about the topic or ask questions to become more knowledgeable about the topic.  When listening to others one must actively listen to what a person has to say and then form an opinion. Active listening is where you hear and understand what is being said,” according to (2015). The five key listening techniques are; pay attention, show that you are listening, provide feedback, defer judgement and respond appropriately. One must also use prior and new knowledge to determine how to respond.

I scored 31 on the Communication Anxiety Inventory. According to this inventory I feel comfortable communicating in most situation and feel confident in anticipating such encounters.  This is very accurate. I enjoy meeting new people and learning about what we have in common. My dad was in the military the first 10 years of my life and we traveled a lot. I met new children all the time and developed my social skills and learned how to interact with people from other cultures.  There are times when I hear what I want to hear. My mom calls it selective listening. I usually only do this with my family.

I can always improve on my active listening skills by focusing on the person speaking and not being distracted by things or people around me. I can also stay informed on the latest educational research in the area of child development and use my improved talking skills to have a meaningful dialogue with others.  


Hill, R. (2015). Active Listening Hear What People Are Really Saying. Retrieved from

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Module 7 Assignment 1


Module 7 Assignment 1

Facebook and YouTube are the two social Medias that I would use to communicate my policy issue, getting young children to eat fresh fruits and vegetable by planting, growing and harvesting a garden.  “If they grow it they will eat it.” Both Facebook and You Tube are easily accessible on any cell phone or tablet. All parents would have to sign a photo and video consent form to have their child’s picture posted and viewed.

I would create a preschool Facebook account that parents, staff and the world could see.  I would like the early education center to share a dialogue with other early education centers and preschools around the world who have established a fruit and vegetable garden. Information about planting and eating fruits and vegetables could be shared worldwide.

I would also create a series of You Tube videos that children, parents, staff and the world could see how to start and maintain a fruit and vegetable garden. Another You Tube video would discuss the importance of eating fresh fruits and vegetables. I would use several modalities such as people and vegetable puppets, fruit and vegetable songs, video of the early education children learning how to plant, water and harvest. Young children can be role models for the world on how to plant fruits and vegetables plus eat healthy.

One benefit of using both social Medias is that I can reach a larger audience and we can share information on what types of fruits and vegetables to grow and care for. What fruits and vegetables grow best in different parts of the world and learn what other early education children like to eat in other parts of the world. The young children will be able to see other young children working in their garden. We could share the nutritional benefits of eating fresh fruits and vegetables.

A challenge of using Facebook and You Tube is parents not putting a password on their internet devices. Young children can easily open up and work most internet devices without any training and they might click on something parents do not want them to see. There are also some people who might post a mean and negative opinions which can be very hurtful to young children.


Collective School Garden Network. (2015). Retrieved from

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Educational Policies

School policies have been around since the 1800’ with Horace Mann and the start of the Common School. Horace Mann believed that the current school system was inadequate and none of the schools coordinated with each other and none of the children were learning. With his Common School all white children regardless of religion, family heritage or sex would be provided the same type of education with certain standards/polices. ( Fowler, 2013).

 As an early education teacher I have never been one to question policy and procedures. I just followed the rules and regulations/policies. I know the basics; teacher-child ratio, adult-child ratio, teacher salary, illness and vacation time, what to do when a child is picked up late, how to fill out child abuse reports, mandated assessments, renew my teaching permit every 5 years, and take a first aid and CPR class every 2 years. I have started to wonder who made these policies and why. How old are these policies and do they really benefit students, teachers or parents. Do these policies need to be revisited or changed? As I delve into this class I will discuss my goals with my peers starting in my classroom, then branch out to the whole center and into the college class that I help teacher
The first professional goal I would like to work on is to create and maintain a stimulating outdoor environment. Outdoor play is a vital part of our youngest learner’s development. Playing outdoors has many health and fitness benefits. (NAEYC, 2008). With parks being closed, parents working longer hours, children are eating fast food instead of healthy foods.  Many children are not getting enough physical exercise and are being becoming overweight or obese.

Many teachers do not like going outdoors because it is too cold or too hot for them. I have seen classes stay inside for those reasons. Bringing the research to these staff members is a way to start a dialogue about the many benefits of learning outdoors, along with demonstrating what my class can do while outside. Should outdoor play be mandatory and become a policy for our youngest learner?

The second professional goal I would like to do is to visit other preschools, learn about their curriculum, philosophy, values and approaches to teaching and bring back the information to my school and share new ideas and concepts that could be used inside and outside  through professional development

Outside professional development has fallen by the wayside over the years. Since many teachers do not go back to school, professional developments are a way of learning the latest and newest skills in the area of child development. Districts or individual schools should decide or set goals yearly on new subjects in the field or revisit and improve on an existing topic.

The last professional goal is to continue to spread the word that we are not babysitters, we are early childhood educators. Starting first by having a dialogue and inviting elementary school teachers over to visit and see what we are all about. “Through increased communication and collaboration, both worlds can learn much that can contribute to improving the educational experiences of all young children.” (Copple & Bredekamp, 2009). Local districts, state and federal agencies should also recognize early childhood educators as equal to other teachers and give them the same pay, educational opportunities and respect.


Copple, C., Bredekamp, S. (2009). Developmentally Appropriate Practice in Early Childhood Programs. National Association for the Education of Young Children, Washington, DC.

Erickson, M. (2008). Ensuring That All Children Can Spend Quality Time Outdoors. Retrieved from from nature.

 Fowler, F. C. (2013). Policy studies for educational leaders (4th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Final Thoughts

Final thoughts

This course has opened my eyes to see all the work that still needs to be done as an educator, a parent, a female, and a minority in the world regarding race and culture. It is sad that in the twenty-first century we as a society face many “isms”. Are we going forwards or backwards?

In the video, The Danger of a Single Story, Chimanda Ngozi Adichie, discusses how single stories create stereotypes and robes people of their dignity.  I connected with this video the most. We are quick to stereotype a person without even knowing anything about them, where they are from and what they might be going through.

I also connect with the book, The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down. Valuing another person’s culture and allowing them to practice it is very important.  This book demonstrates what can happen to a child or anyone when there is a cultural barrier, lack of communication and lack of compassion. The ending of this book is what I found most surprising. I thought that Lia would die, but love can conquer all and her parents did love her and did the best that they could
My selected challenge foster care was also surprising and is something that I would like to investigate more and maybe even volunteer with one of their projects. I did not realize that so many children are in the foster care system. It is scary to think that if these children do not find someone to care about them, mentor them or adopt them, they could end up homeless, on drugs, in jail, pregnant, and or abused.

Adding a section about children in foster care and the foster care system in a cultural class is something that I would like to do in the near future as an adjunct college instructor. Future teachers need to learn about various types of cultures so that will be prepared to teach in a diverse class setting
In closing, here is part of President Obama’s State of the Union Address, 2015, which is also my hope and belief for the future. “I want future generations to know that we are a people who see our differences as a great gift, that we are a people who value the dignity and worth of every citizen…”

Best wishes to all as you continue your education and future endeavors.


Thursday, March 19, 2015

Module 6 Assignment The Interview Process

The interview process has been interesting and exciting. Learning about something new (pregnant teens in foster care) and gaining insight to how the foster care system works has stimulated my social conscious to ask many questions? The people that I found to interview have been very up front and friendly. It would have been easier to interview the social worker by phone and on line if there had been a prompt with school letterhead letting them know that I am enrolled in college and what class I am enrolled in. Doing this is a major part of identifying yourself especially when have never met the interviewee face to face.
Meeting Janelly(former pregnant teen living in foster care) and starting the interview process was full of discovery for me. She had been in foster care since the age of 12, and lived in more than 4 foster homes. She said that she never felt welcome anywhere until she came to her last foster home. It is hard to image not feeling welcome at anywhere. What effect does that play on a person’s emotional state?
What I have learned from this is to make all children feel welcome at school. You can learn a lot about a person by just showing a little kindness.
Working on the course project and all its parts is progressing slowly in to a finished product. There are so many facets to foster care, they all are interesting. Even when narrowing it down to pregnant teens, there are still many avenues a researcher can ponder.

What can our society do to ensure that all children have a safe, warm, and welcoming place to live where they are treated with respect?

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Foster Families

 The next few entries are going to be about something other than bulletin boards. The subject is foster families. I will still continue to post bulletin board ideas while introducing the public to foster care.

 The number of foster families in the United States has grown over the years. Children are placed in the foster care system due to many reasons such as, child abuse, domestic abuse, and loss of a job, death, natural catastrophe, bills, drugs, alcoholism and mental issues. A child’s family dynamics can change in an instant once they are removed from the home.

The issue of foster families is a topic that is of interest to me as an early childhood educator. Within the past five years I have seen more foster families come through the schools that I have worked at. I chose this topic because I would like to know more about how the foster care system works.
I believe that all children have the right to live in a safe and happy environment, free from any type of harm or negative influences.

These are some questions that I have concerning foster families.
  1. Where do the children go when they are first picked up from their home or school?
  2. How long does it take to place a child in a family
  3. What happens when a child cannot be placed?
  4. Why don’t social workers share more information about the child when they are enrolled in school?
  5. What can teachers do to help children in foster ?
  6. What can teachers do to help foster parents?

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Inspirational quotes, pictures, and more!


"It takes a village to raise a child" - African Poverb
I like this proverb because it is true. It takes a community of families, educators, businesses, health care providers to help a child grow, learn and become a responsible member of society.

"A person's a person, no matter how small" - Dr. Seuss
I like this quote because young children have a voice with opinions and we need to listen to them.

"If we don't stand up for children, then we don't stand up for much" - Marian Wright Edelman
I like this quote because young children need someone(adults) to stand up for them and fight for their rights; free education, shelter, clothing, food and health care.


I chose Sesame Street because I love the show. I watched it as a child, my children watched it growing up , and my students now watch parts of it at least two times a week. This show deals with all types of family situations and finds solutions that are positive.

I chose this image because the world is a melting pot of culturally diverse people. As a scholar for change we must embrace diversity and learn about other cultures. Learning about other cultures will enhance our growth as human beings and allow us to teach our youngest learners to embrace all people.

I chose this image because this is my favorite ride at Disneyland. I enjoy watching all the young children from other countries wearing their native clothing and singing "It's a small world" in their native languages. At the end of the ride their is a representative from each country singing the song in English. If only adults could learn how to respect and love one another for their cultural differences. Once adults learn this, then there will be a positive social change and maybe one day we can actually see children and adults singing this song.

Sources of Inspiration

I chose NAEYC because they are the leading organization dealing with children and education. This organization is in the fore front of new research and theories in the field of child development. I am a member of this organization.

I chose Let Children Play because this site gave me the inspiration to do my research paper on nature. This site has so many ideas to do with children outside. 

I chose this site because I agree with the mission statement; children need a healthy start, a head start, a fair start, a safe start and a moral start in life. This organization is in the fore front a achieving these goals for all children. I plan to join this organization.