"It takes a village to raise a child" - African PoverbI like this proverb because it is true. It takes a community of families, educators, businesses, health care providers to help a child grow, learn and become a responsible member of society.
"A person's a person, no matter how small" - Dr. Seuss
I like this quote because young children have a voice with opinions and we need to listen to them.
"If we don't stand up for children, then we don't stand up for much" - Marian Wright Edelman
I like this quote because young children need someone(adults) to stand up for them and fight for their rights; free education, shelter, clothing, food and health care.
I chose Sesame Street because I love the show. I watched it as a child, my children watched it growing up , and my students now watch parts of it at least two times a week. This show deals with all types of family situations and finds solutions that are positive.
I chose this image because the world is a melting pot of culturally diverse people. As a scholar for change we must embrace diversity and learn about other cultures. Learning about other cultures will enhance our growth as human beings and allow us to teach our youngest learners to embrace all people.
I chose this image because this is my favorite ride at Disneyland. I enjoy watching all the young children from other countries wearing their native clothing and singing "It's a small world" in their native languages. At the end of the ride their is a representative from each country singing the song in English. If only adults could learn how to respect and love one another for their cultural differences. Once adults learn this, then there will be a positive social change and maybe one day we can actually see children and adults singing this song.
Sources of Inspiration
I chose NAEYC because they are the leading organization dealing with children and education. This organization is in the fore front of new research and theories in the field of child development. I am a member of this organization.
I chose Let Children Play because this site gave me the inspiration to do my research paper on nature. This site has so many ideas to do with children outside.
I chose this site because I agree with the mission statement; children need a healthy start, a head start, a fair start, a safe start and a moral start in life. This organization is in the fore front a achieving these goals for all children. I plan to join this organization.