Saturday, February 15, 2014

Vaccinations Pros and Cons

This past week I spoke with one of my early education colleague of Muslim faith about children and vaccinations. I remembered us talking several years ago about her youngest daughters first day of school and I asked her how she handled getting all of those shots. She told me that she had a waiver due to religious beliefs. I was shocked.

Now move forward a few years. I asked my colleague to explain her believes about vaccinations. Her family has not received in type of vaccinations due to her Muslim faith. She also told me that there are serious sides to vaccinations and some children can even die. She told me that some vaccinations contain mercury and other chemical that are harmful to your body. According to her faith the best way to provide antibodies to your baby is to breastfed them.  Eating healthy and pure foods, avoid pork, alcohol and drugs, will helps keep their bodies strong. 

After doing some online research I found more sources that agreed with my colleague. Just Mommies website has a message board (Welcome to Choosing not to Vaccinate), they even have articles on the pros and cons of vaccination. On another website about vaccinations it list thirteen arguments for and against vaccines. This website also has a video gallery with qualified health care professional’s perspective about vaccinations.

I also found online research articles websites that support my beliefs to vaccinate all children against diseases. discusses why children need to be vaccinated. UNICEF gives facts about how vaccinations can save lives and stop diseases.

What is your opinion about vaccinating infants and children?

Do you think all children should receive their vaccination for free?

Do you think we the United States should send medical supplies and vaccines to other countries, when we have children and families here that cannot afford health care, medicines or vaccines?
