Thursday, February 5, 2015

Foster Families

 The next few entries are going to be about something other than bulletin boards. The subject is foster families. I will still continue to post bulletin board ideas while introducing the public to foster care.

 The number of foster families in the United States has grown over the years. Children are placed in the foster care system due to many reasons such as, child abuse, domestic abuse, and loss of a job, death, natural catastrophe, bills, drugs, alcoholism and mental issues. A child’s family dynamics can change in an instant once they are removed from the home.

The issue of foster families is a topic that is of interest to me as an early childhood educator. Within the past five years I have seen more foster families come through the schools that I have worked at. I chose this topic because I would like to know more about how the foster care system works.
I believe that all children have the right to live in a safe and happy environment, free from any type of harm or negative influences.

These are some questions that I have concerning foster families.
  1. Where do the children go when they are first picked up from their home or school?
  2. How long does it take to place a child in a family
  3. What happens when a child cannot be placed?
  4. Why don’t social workers share more information about the child when they are enrolled in school?
  5. What can teachers do to help children in foster ?
  6. What can teachers do to help foster parents?


  1. Angela,
    You are so right! How can we help??
    If we educators do not strive to answer this question, among others, throughout our entire careers, than we do not belong in the field.
    We have our own educations at our disposal, for one thing. We need to use what we know to create positive experiences and lives for the children and the parents. Absolutely.

  2. As an adult that grew up in foster care I can say that some homes are better than others. It depends on what type of abuse it is where they go first. Sometimes its to the hospital to be checked out, in my case they took me from the hospital, sometimes its to the police station or it can be to a DCS office until a placement can be made. It really depends on the age of the child how long it takes to place them. Most foster families have a preference for infants and toddlers. I know in my day if a home could not be found children were placed in Mac Laren Hall which is no longer in use but I'm sure there are other centers like it for emergency placements, it was like the best I can compare it to is a low security jail for foster children. We lived in dorm like rooms 4 to a room in bunks some rooms had 2 single beds, we went to school on site and at night we had a bed time lights were turned of and dorm room doors locked. I would also like to know why social workers do not share more information with the schools when children enroll, I feel that it if information was shared we as teachers would be able to help the child and foster family more.

    1. Thank you for sharing your story Chenieka. I did not realize that MacLaren Hall was an emergency shelter. I thought that it was a juvenile hall. I learned something new.

  3. Angela,
    I love the layout and design. I think you are spot on when you say "I believe that all children have the right to live in a safe and happy environment, free from any type of harm or negative influences". This is true and that is where we begin as educators of children and families.

  4. Hi Donna,
    Thanks you for sharing. All the topics we had to chose from are very important. Why do we treat our children like second class citizen? Why is there not enough money allocated through congress for children?
